Torschlusspanik! Torschlusspanik!

With chaos running rampant in our streets, the craziness happening in the world’s governments, and the disruption of the family dynamic, torschlusspanik is a common experience.

Oh wait, silly me, you may not know what torschlusspanik (pronounced tore-slush-pawn-ick) is the fear that time to act is running out.

Moments of fear

The moment we hear of another shooting.
The moment a friend passes and we wonder, “Did he know the Lord?”
The moment a name comes to mind and we think, “When was the last time I sat down with her and just talked?”
And the next moment, and the next, and the next.
Oh no! Have I missed the opportunity to act?

Age related and spiritually impacting

I think this German word is age related and spiritually impacting.
Growing up, I didn’t think a lot about how my actions would effect others or life in general for that matter. What about you?

Time, timing, and taking action matters to Father.

We read in Hebrews, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside the weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (12:1 ESV).

By looking a bit closer to this passage of Scripture, we can identify what matters to Father.

What matters to God?

The word therefore causes me to pause and consider what was said previously. And there is an urgency attached to, therefore, which in turn points to a timing issue.

The phrase, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses is a great visual. Truly, being surrounded by a great crowd of people doesn’t happen everyday, yet when there’s even one, two, or a few, let’s not lack in taking action.

Lay aside the weight and sin. Yep, you got it, another action on our part and we must admit, the timing of laying aside the burdens holding us back is always perfect in Father’s economy.

And then we have, let us run, run with endurance.

What are your thoughts upon reading this running portion? Are your feet itching to hit the pavement in order to run the race set before you? Or is there a hesitation?
“My running days are over.”
“I’m not sure which direction to run.”
“Will I be running alone?”

Let us see each moment differently

Oh, my sister and brother, let us not claim torschlusspanik or the dread it implies. Instead let us see each day, each moment, as an opportunity to take action and reach one more for the Lord.

The race set before you is different from mine, but neither are valued less by Father. All He asks is for each of us to see His children as precious. Precious enough that we would be willing to take whatever action is needed to finish the race with one more runner beside us.

What race has Father set before you?

The time to act is now.
The path before you leads to victory.
So slip on those sneakers and let’s start walking out what Father is faithful to finish accordingly to His will, way, and timing.

Let’s journey together


Precious Father, I come before You, humbled in Your presence and seeking Your will.
I desire not to be too late in taking the actions You have set before me.
Open my eyes and my heart to simply obey Your call.
Use me up, O Lord!
Wring me out dry.
To Your glory.
To Your honor.
According to Your purpose.
Hallelujah. Amen.

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