Are your roots showing?

Imagine a path covered in roots representing your gratitude, kindness, peace, gentleness, and love.
Would those walking by recognize you by your roots?

Oh, there are many times I need to touch up my spiritual roots. What about you?
Indeed, whatever you and I soak up spiritually is what others experience when they are with us. I wish I could say with confidence that my gratitude, kindness, peace, gentleness, and love are overflowing for all to see, but yeah–not so much!

What soil are you rooted in?

We read in Colossians that our lives should be rooted in soil that prompts spiritual growth. Spiritual growth occurs when we learn from the truth, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (2:6-7 NIV).

With Christ as our Savior and Lord, His Spirit is in us.
Christ in us gives us opportunities for incredible lives with unimaginable futures.
Yet, our spirituality withers unless we walk out our lives rooted in Christ.
Our strength diminishes.

A withered faith is not my first choice.

How about you?
In what ways are you building up your faith?
Spending time with brothers and sisters in Christ is a type of rooting.
Journaling what you learn from Scripture is rooting your faith.

A life rooted in Christ overflows with His Spirit and produces gratitude, kindness, peace, gentleness, love, and so much more. Click To Tweet

What impact do your spiritual roots have on those around you?
How are they drawn to Father?
Do they trip over your kindness in a good way?
Oh Lord, let it be so.

Let’s journey together.

Father, help us root our faith in You.
Open our minds to know You more profoundly.
Cause our roots to grow deep with an understanding of Your way, will, and timing.
Allow our roots to show, so others may see and know the truth.
You are Mighty.
You are a Good, Good God.
You are Majestic.
You alone are God.
And we praise Your name.
Hallelujah. Amen

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